Karen Wendling
Karen Wendling founded One On One Ministry in February 2012. She is an ordained minister and former children’s pastor of 11 years at a large non-denominational church in Tucson Arizona. A veteran with two decades of serving in ministry, she brings years of valuable experience to the table.
Karen considers herself first and foremost a daughter of the King and a sinner saved by grace. The four greatest gifts God has ever blessed her with are salvation; being married to her best friend Steve and their two grown daughters Kasie and Kayla. Karen and Steve serve in various areas in their church and together, have led mission teams to Senegal, Africa.
It feels a little weird to write about yourself but here it goes…in a nutshell, I was born and raised in Michigan and moved to Tucson Arizona with my husband and best friend Steve. God has blessed us with two amazing daughters, Kasie and Kayla who are beautiful inside and out. Every day with them is a gift, and I take none of them for granted.
I am a daughter of the King and a sinner saved by grace. I am in awe of the fact that God would want to partner with me in this life to accomplish His will in me, as well as the people He places in my path. I am completely dependent on His Spirit (The Holy Spirit) to give me wisdom, guidance and direction in every area of my life. I believe Jesus died to rescue me from my sin and reunite me with my Father, the one who created me. I believe that He cannot love me any more or less than He does at this very moment. I believe EVERY word in the bible, about whom God says He Is, and who He created me to be. I trust that He is the author and finisher of my faith as well as my story.
My most impacting experience with God? The moment He rescued me from myself, and every moment since.
Late night snack: Coco Puffs & large cone twist from Dairy Queen (trying hard to break this habit)
Season: Summer
Feeling: When you wake up and realize you still have hours left to sleep.
Smell: Right after it rains.
Artist: Gungor, Tenth Avenue North, Hillsong United (Oceans, my theme song), Strait Country.
Food: Fresh fruits and Veggies…love them!
Movie: Bedtime Stories, Seven Days in Utopia, Up, To Save a Life.
Place in the world: Anywhere with my husband.
Book: At this moment…Crazy Love by: Fancis Chan, Follow Me by: David Platt.
Color: That awkward color between yellow and red with a dash of orange, that’s right… tan.
Sock: Fuzzy socks with the rubber slip stoppers on the bottom.
Quote: “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words.” St Francis of Assisi
Drink: LARGE chi latte with a shot of espresso from 32 Shea in Phoenix.
Hero: Jesus because He rescued me, my mom for raising me, and my husband for putting up with me.
Vacation: Traveling Hwy 101 in Cali for two weeks with my family.
Chinese proverb: “A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.”
Least Favorite…
Food: Sauerkraut
Smell: Wet dog
Season: Winter
Feeling: Claustrophobic
Place in the world: Porta Potty
Villain: I highly dislike bad guys, but on the other hand it is fun to know… they never win in the end.
Things to avoid: Porcupines, nails in the road, hitting a cow.
Random Fact: The king of hearts is the only King without a moustache.
Best thing a kid has ever said: Since Jesus lives inside of me, should I eat my toys so he doesn’t get board?
Kayla Wendling
Kayla Wendling is the Co-Founder and Vice President of One On One Ministry.
As an ordained minister and former children’s pastor of three years at a church in Scottsdale Arizona Kayla successfully built, organized and executed a thriving ministry to children.
Kayla’s background experience includes six years as an assistant children’s director of a large non-denominational church in Tucson Arizona. She currently serves in children’s ministry and is passionate about reaching this generation with the gospel in a culturally relevant way. Kayla has also done mission work in both Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
Well I super hate going on and on about myself but my Mother says that I have to say something. I was born and raised in Tucson AZ, moved to Phoenix in 2010 and moved back to Tucson in 2014. God has taken me on so many adventures and through each one I have learned so much about God, my relationship with Him and myself. I live my life through open doors and when one door closes I know that He has a better one waiting for me. It may not be right away but He will open it in His timing. I have been blessed beyond measure, and when things don’t look so good in the natural, I am still blessed. God is so good and there is no way I would ever want to do anything without Him.
My most impacting experience with God? I attended a kid’s camp when I was 12, and I felt and seen God in an incredible way!
Late night snack: Cereal! Any kind
Season: Winter
Feeling: When I know I get to go to sleep.
Smell: The “Black Ice” little tree air freshener.
Artist: Rascal Flats, Brad Paisley, Jesus Culture and HIllsong United
Food: Burgers, oh I cannot resist a good burger!
Movie: Fast and Furious Movies
Place in the world: Home
Book: I’m really not a reader, like at all. I get so distracted.
Color: Maroon
Sock: Any kind and I’m totally good if they don’t match
Quote: Probably anything I say.
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Hero: Of course Jesus is the ultimate but my dad is one close second.
Least Favorite…
Food: Tacos (hard shell)
Smell: Sweaty feet, oooh that’s so gross!
Season: Spring (allergies)
Feeling: A warm toilet seat
Place in the world: Elevators
Things to avoid: Fist fights, potholes in the road especially if you’re in my car, breaking any bones, and probably changing the radio station if you’re in someone else’s car.
Random Fact: I love to drag race. Legally
Best thing a kid has ever said: I was telling the kids how God has made you perfect, from your head to your hands to your feet etc. The little boy looks at his hands and starts balling his eye out saying his pinkies are too small. J