Dear Daughter
The way I created you to be is already finished in my book. Words inscribed on pages from before time began. If you could see what I have planned for your future, you would know and trust that it is a beautiful story. Don’t be so hard on yourself you are still under construction. You are the one who has to walk out the process of who I created you to be and all that I have called you to accomplish with the life that I have given you. I promised you life and life more abundantly but I never promised that life would be easy. Much like my Son, you will have your own cross to bear. The things that you struggle with now are what I will use to shape the person that you will become. Trials are really opportunities that will shape your character and teach you to reflect my Son. How you respond to those trials in your life reveals your level of trust in me.
If you are honest with yourself, your lack of trust comes from a place of doubt. You doubt my unconditional love for you. Deep down inside you feel un-forgiven, unworthy, still needing to prove yourself and check the box. It’s not what you do or don’t do for me that will cause me to love you any more or less than I do at this very moment. I am Love; I simply love you with a perfect love that casts out all doubt and fear. Did you hear that? I tell you all the time but I don’t think you hear me. I’ll say it again and again and a million more times if that’s what it takes, until that truth takes root in your heart and helps you grasp the depth of my love for you. You are my daughter and I have loved you since you were just a thought in my mind. Your true self-worth and identity can only be found in Jesus. Your life is not your own. You were bought with a price; the cost was my Sons life. Yet you still don’t believe that I have forgiven you. I’m going to be stern with you for a moment. And I need you to hear me. It’s pretty arrogant to think that somehow the life of my Son was not enough to cover your sins. It’s called grace; unearned, undeserved, but freely given if you believe in Jesus and accept my gift. Do you get it now? So, can we move on and move into all that I have for you? The life that you now live I’m asking you to live by faith in Jesus Christ who died for you. I have beautiful plans for your future so stop doubting yourself, the gifts and talents I have given you, and your position in this world!
While we’re talking, I would like to clear something up between us. Do you think I make mistakes? That I make junk, or somehow messed up when I created you? Every time you look in the mirror you complain and hate something about yourself. Do you actually think that I cursed you with your height, your nose, hair, eyes, lips or hips? I created you perfect. I think you are beautiful, my greatest creation, my masterpiece. Every single one of my daughters is fearfully and wonderfully made. My work is marvelous! Please stop believing the lies of the world by comparing yourself to someone else. I made them unique too, but there’s only one you ~ and you are incredible ~ so please just be you! While we’re at it, I want to remind you of some basic principles to be the best you that you can be! Your body is a temple made up of your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Feed your mind real food found only in my word. There’s times when your mind feels anxious, sad and lonely. Your mind tells you that I am silent, distant and far away. I have promised to never leave you or forsake you. I am always near and when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you. The answers and comfort you are searching for can easily be found within the words and pages written in my book. Your feelings will lie to you and the lies can only be replaced by the truth found in my word. I long for a close relationship with you and for you to know me intimately, who I am and how I think.
Sit with me for a while and talk to me. I love spending time with you. I love hearing your voice, your laugh, and long to give you the peace that passes all earthly understanding. Let’s chat about your body and your health for a moment. It’s important to take care of yourself and the life I have given you shouldn’t be taken for granted. Just like your mind, your body needs strengthening and real food in order to function at its best. Some of you are starving yourself because you’re caught up in the comparison trap. Some of you are eating yourself to death trying to fill the hole in your heart only I can fill. Some of you are carelessly giving your body away, in search of love from men who don’t understand what love is. Please stop, please love yourself and please trust in my love for you. When you’re not strong enough to do this on your own, trust in my Spirit, the Holy Spirit that I have given you. He communes with your spirit and lives within you to help lead, guide and strengthen you in all areas of your life. It’s important to quiet the noise and lies of the world in order to hear His still small voice.
Dear daughter, my goal in writing you this letter is that you would find comfort, strength and encouragement within these words. To remind you once again that you are a princess, a daughter of the King, a joint heir with Jesus Christ and you have full access to everything that I, your heavenly father has to offer! This life is a temporary training ground and a stepping-stone to eternity where your soul will be reunited with me in heaven. Oh how I long for that day. I can’t wait to see you face-to-face. But until then there is much work to be done. People need to see Jesus living within you and flowing through you. I will strengthen you and help you, so be strong and courageous for I am with you. I go before you and hold you with my righteous right hand. I direct your steps, I hem you in and I am your rear guard. Always remember that I love you. I am for you and not against you. So I will tell you again, be strong and very courageous. Do not be fearful, anxious or afraid, for I am with you wherever you go. I bless you, I will keep you, I will make my face to shine upon you and I will give you peace!
All My Love,
Your heavenly Father
If you need encouragement, love, support or prayer please feel free to contact us today.
A Few Scripture Reference
Deuteronomy 31:6
Joshua 1:9
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 139 (especially vs. 15-16)
Romans 7:15
Romans 8:31